Summer Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Solutions

Summer Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Solutions

As temperatures soared to new heights, allergy misery has reached an all-time high, with the dry spell in the Northeast making every breath a struggle. As environmental triggers crank up the discomfort, it's high time to get to the bottom of what's driving allergy symptoms and find relief.

What Causes Summer Allergies?

Summer allergies are primarily triggered by pollen from grasses, trees, and weeds. Additionally, mold spores thrive in warm, humid conditions, contributing to allergy symptoms.

Climate Change and Allergies

Rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns can exacerbate allergy symptoms.

How Heat and Dryness Intensify Allergies in the Summer

  • Increased Pollen Production: Higher temperatures can stimulate plants to produce more pollen, releasing larger amounts into the air.
  • Dispersion and Aggravation: The increased heat and dryness can intensify the dispersal of these allergens, further aggravating allergies.
  • Prolonged Allergy Seasons: Climate change can also lead to extended pollen seasons, causing discomfort for longer periods. **
  • The Harmful Consequences Allergies can have severe implications for our health, and climate change is making things worse.

Extreme Regional Weather Brings A Perfect Allergy Storm

In the Northeast, record heatwaves coupled with minimal rainfall have created a unique challenge for allergy sufferers. The lack of rain has caused to dry conditions, contributing to the increased levels of dust particles in the air. As the mercury rises, the air thickens with dust, turning everyday life into a battle zone for those with allergies, their comfort levels plummeting.

Imagine walking into a giant, outdoor oven, where the temperature needle is stuck on high and the air is so heavy with moisture it's hard to draw a deep breath - that's what life is like right now in the South. These conditions can exacerbate allergy symptoms by increasing the dispersal of allergens like pollen and mold spores. Additionally, the combination of heat and humidity can create a breeding ground for allergens, making it challenging for individuals prone to allergies in the Southern regions as well.

Common Summer Allergy Symptoms

Common symptoms of summer allergies include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, and throat irritation. With inflammation, even the simplest tasks become exhausting ordeals, and drawing a deep breath feels like a luxury you can't afford.

Can You Get Allergies in the Summer?

Yes, allergies can manifest in the summer months due to the high levels of pollen and mold present in the air. Even individuals who do not typically experience allergies may develop symptoms during this season.

Are Summer Allergies a Thing?

Absolutely, summer allergies are a prevalent issue for many people, especially with the environmental conditions becoming more extreme. It is essential to recognize and address these allergies to maintain a good quality of life during the summer.

Natural Remedies for Allergies

Several natural remedies can help alleviate summer allergy symptoms. One effective solution is the use of CBD products, known for their anti-inflammatory properties. NextEvo's CBD Gummies and Swiftstick CBD powder are excellent options to reduce inflammation, particularly in swollen nasal passages and throats.

Top 9 Natural Remedies for Summer Allergies, Plus CBD as a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Option

To combat the challenges posed by summer allergies, especially during peak pollen and mold seasons, consider these eight natural remedies alongside CBD, a potent anti-inflammatory solution:

1. Local Honey: Regular consumption of local honey can assist in building immunity to local pollen, potentially reducing allergy symptoms over time.

2. Quercetin: Known for its antioxidant properties, quercetin can stabilize mast cells and reduce histamine release, providing relief from allergic reactions.

3. Probiotics: Maintaining a healthy gut flora with probiotics can support the immune system and reduce inflammation, potentially alleviating allergy symptoms.

4. Nettle Leaf: Nettle leaf, with its natural antihistamine properties, can help combat allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: Incorporating apple cider vinegar in water may help decrease mucous production and enhance overall immune health.

6. Saline Nasal Rinse: Clearing nasal passages with a saline solution can flush out allergens and alleviate congestion, promoting easier breathing. - A great option for parents with small children suffering from allergies.

7. Steam Inhalation: Inhaling steam infused with essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint can soothe nasal passages and reduce inflammation.

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish or flaxseeds, possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help manage allergy symptoms.

9. CBD (Cannabidiol): Including CBD products like NextEvo's CBD Gummies and Swiftstick CBD powder in your allergy relief regimen can provide additional anti-inflammatory benefits, aiding in addressing inflammation and alleviating summer allergy symptoms effectively.

Summary: Managing Summer Allergies:

A 360 Approach to the summer season, often associated with warmth and leisure, can be a challenging time for individuals who suffer from allergies. For all the bliss that comes with exploring the great outdoors, there's a darker side - allergens lurking in every picturesque backdrop, waiting to unleash chaos on our bodies.

Causes of Summer Allergies

The primary culprits behind summer allergies are pollen, mold, and insects.

  • Pollen, released by trees, grasses, and weeds, is the most prevalent allergen during the summer months.
  • Mold, which thrives in damp environments, is another common allergen that can trigger allergic reactions.
  • Insect bites, particularly from mosquitoes, wasps, and bees, can also lead to an allergic response.

Recognizing Summer Allergy Symptoms To effectively manage summer allergies, it is crucial to recognize the symptoms, which can range from mild to severe.

Common symptoms include:

  • Congestion and sinus pressure
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Skin rashes and hives
  • Fatigue and headaches

Exploring Natural Remedies: CBD for Allergy Relief While conventional medications can provide temporary relief, they often come with unwanted side effects.

Emerging as a promising antidote to allergy woes, CBD isolate - sans psychoactive properties - joins the fight against inflammation. With CBD on your side, you can fight back against inflammation, gently soothe annoying symptoms, and even regain a sense of vibrancy and vitality.

Tips for Managing Summer Allergies

As the mercury rises, don't let summer allergens get the best of you - there are plenty of ways to keep them at bay, from everyday tricks to Mother Nature's own arsenal, including CBD.

  • Monitor pollen counts and plan outdoor activities accordingly
  • Wear protective clothing and apply insect repellent when outdoors
  • Keep your home clean and dust-free to reduce mold growth
  • Use air purifiers and dehumidifiers to create a allergen-friendly environment

Summer allergies don't have to be a buzzkill. Get clued in on what sparks them, learn to spot the symptoms, and discover the potential of natural allies like CBD to soften the blow and let you enjoy the sunshine.



For a comprehensive guide on managing seasonal allergies, it is advisable to consult reputable sources such as **[Healthline]( )**, **[WebMD]( )**, and **[Cigna]( )**.


To learn more about the benefits of CBD in reducing inflammation, you can explore the insights provided by NextEvo through the following links:

- [CBD Gummies: A Complete Guide]( )

- [Scientific Discoveries on CBD's Anti-inflammatory Abilities]( )

- [Unveiling the Healing Power of CBD for Pain Relief]( )