Pool tables, coffee bars, Michelin-star chefs in the cafeteria - companies used to compete for talent with resort-like work perks. Times have changed, and keeping yourself motivated and engaged is less about the external physical space, and more about establishing new practices. We bust through some outdated career myths to help you take charge of your day and reinvigorate your work life.
Myth: I’ll be more productive if I get an early start
This myth is half-true; many people do benefit from getting up early, following a healthy morning routine, and jumping into their workday. But others have different peak energy hours, and may work better in the evening. Of course, work and family obligations will partially determine your daily schedule. Still, understanding your energy peaks and valleys can help you allocate more rote tasks to your lower-energy timeframes, and reserve more strategic or complicated assignments to the segments of the day when you’re operating at your best.
Myth: CBD will make me “out of it” at work
This is definitely a myth! CBD can help stimulate a dopamine response in the brain, which is largely responsible for focus and attention. If you’re struggling with distractions or procrastination, CBD can help you stay on track and power through your To-do list. Since NextEvo Naturals products are free of THC, there are no psychoactive side effects or “out of it” fogginess. For days you need an extra clarity boost, Premium Pure CBD Extra Strength Chewable Tablets are a convenient pop-and-go option.
As millions of people continue to work from home, there’s an assumption that they have much more free time. Even without a commute, and with more flexibility to take care of things like personal errands during the day, working from home still has its challenges for work/life balance. A lack of separation between career and personal time can make the days blur together, and the expectations of others that you’re always available because your home can make it seem harder to set boundaries.
Myth: I should switch jobs (everyone else is!)
While the “Great Resignation” continues and more than 4.5 million people voluntarily left their jobs in November 2021 (Bureau of Labor Statistics), it’s tempting to assume that the grass is greener elsewhere. Keep in mind that these job market headlines over-index in industries like hospitality, and don’t necessarily represent your own path. Career coaches often recommend journaling at the end of a workday to identify what you’re grateful for about your current role, and what you wish was different. This is a more thoughtful and personal approach to making a job switch than reacting to headlines. You may also realize how much you already appreciate the job you have.
Workdays always go more smoothly when you have a healthy foundation. Eating right, sleeping well, and making time for exercise are habits that help you with next level wellness, and next level work.