Five Surprising and Science-Backed Ways to Live Longer

Five Surprising and Science-Backed Ways to Live Longer - NextEvo Naturals

When it comes to longevity, you know the obvious “do’s and don’t’s.” Do exercise regularly, don’t smoke. Do eat vegetables, don’t eat carcinogens. 

In This Article

1. Party Hearty
2. Get Cooking
3. Bulk Up
4. Go Green
5. Favor Forgiveness

Still, there are some lesser known and even surprising tips that can help you live a long, happy, and healthy life. Here are five of our favorites: 

1. Party Hearty

Well, sort of. Maintaining your social circle is key to mental health and longevity. One study even found that social support can increase longevity by up to 50% over those without strong social ties (as reported in Scientific American). This doesn’t mean you need to be a card-carrying extrovert - even 1-2 close, consistent and supportive relationships can provide the lifespan boost. Make it a deliberate point to nurture your social connections. You’ll live longer, and have more fond memories to look back on too. 

2. Get Cooking

Research published in a Cambridge University journal found that people who cooked at home at least 5 times a week were more likely to be alive ten years after the initial study. Take this with a grain of salt (pun intended) since the study was limited to a single country, but there are some universal truths in the findings. If nothing else, cooking at home helps you control the amount of fat, sugar, salt, and additives in your food. Even better, invite some friends over for a home-cooked meal (see point # 1). 

3. Bulk Up

The older we become, the more we’re at risk from everyday accidents, like tripping on a sidewalk. Muscle strength and tone can help maintain balance and agility as we age. But, we lose about 5% of muscle mass every decade after age 40. The good news is weightlifting can help reverse this. Incorporating strength training and weight lifting into your exercise routine provides immediate health benefits, and can also become a lifelong habit that adds healthy years to your life.  

4. Go Green

Plants can extend your life. It’s that simple. An extensive global study found that people who were regularly around some form of greenery had a lower probability of death than those who weren’t (source: The Lancet Planet Health in collaboration with the World Health Organization). One reason is plants are proven to help lower stress and lower cortisol levels.The form of greenery could be a garden, trees, lawn, wild nature, or even houseplants. Make a date with nature as often as you can. 

5. Favor Forgiveness

Forgiving others may not always be easy, but it is beneficial. The Journal of Behavioral Medicine published research highlighting a direct correlation between forgiveness and long life. This doesn’t mean you need to condone or agree with others’ behavior. Forgiving someone in your mind, even without directly speaking to them, can lighten your mental load in the present and help you live longer into the future. 

One last tidbit - add in some science-backed CBD to these science-backed tips. NextEvo Naturals CBD is scientifically proven to absorb 4x better. This means you get better exercise recovery, better focus, and better sleep - all of which help with next level wellness, and longer life.