We’ll be blunt - winter colds and flus are the worst. In the darker, colder months, your immune system has to work overtime to prevent them. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to strengthen your immunity and skate through the winter illness free.
We tend to think of adequate hydration more during the summer months, when outdoor exercise or the heat from the sun remind us to turn to replenishing liquids. Drinking plenty of water is equally important in the winter, and it’s key to keeping your immune system functioning at its best. Water helps flush germs and toxins from your body, and helps keep disease-fighting lymph flowing. To make hydration a no-brainer, fill up 16 oz water bottles four times a day, and you’ll be sure to get your eight glass minimum.Go herbal
While a cup of hot cocoa laden with whipped cream and marshmallows seems like the perfect hot beverage for a winter night, make that an occasional treat, and swap in some herbal tea. Nearly all organic herbal teas have immunity benefits, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and even anti-microbial properties. Ginger, chamomile, and green tea are particularly known for their health benefits. Add in a squeeze of lemon or a bit of pure honey to amp up flavor.Keep moving
Winter exercise has a hidden benefit. Cold weather requires your cardiovascular system to work harder to pump blood throughout your body as you exert yourself. The result - your heart gets an extra workout, which helps keep it strong and healthy. Plus, the pumping blood circulates immune cells more quickly, to head off germs before they turn into illnesses. To help your muscles recover so you don’t miss a workout, supplement with NextEvo Naturals Premium Pure CBD Extra Strength.
Find the sun
Even a few minutes of sunshine can help support your immune system, and provide a mental health boost too. The sun is important for maintaining your circadian rhythms, so you sleep better. It helps with Vitamin D production, which in turn helps fight infections. And it helps prevent the winter blahs from taking over. Even if you’re in a warm climate, you get less sun in the winter due to the shorter days. Make it a point to step outside for some time in the sun, even if you need to bundle up to do it!
Support your sleep
Your sleep can be disrupted in winter months in ways you may not realize, so it’s important to focus on proper sleep habits. Your sleep can get thrown off by temperature swings, the changes in sunrise/sunset times, and even the heavy comfort food meals common in winter. To regulate your sleep and make sure you get your Zs, try Triple Action CBD Sleep, which helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Snuggling up under the blankets for a good night’s sleep is definitely not a tough assignment, and your immune system will thank you.