There are over 120 different compounds in the hemp plant, with cannabinoid or CBD, being the most important. Known for its benefits, it helps regulate the body’s response.
There’s also compelling evidence to suggest CBD can be a big help in getting a good night’s sleep, however, a lot of people worry that a CBD supplement will make them feel drowsy during the daytime and affect their performance.
So, let’s look at the science and establish whether there are any potential downsides to taking CBD to support sleep health.
In This Article
- Can CBD Make You Drowsy in The Daytime?
- Circadian Rhythm Disorders
- Get Natural Light and Avoid Blue Light Before Bed
- Avoid Caffeine and Stimulants
- Optimize Your Room For Sleep
How does CBD make you feel?
We’re all different and will all have slightly different experiences of using CBD. Much depends on dosage, purity, and individual metabolisms. According to a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, different doses may even have different physiological effects.
In general, CBD relaxes us, gives a sense of mental focus and calmness, decreases nervousness, and promotes a feeling of well-being. However, each person needs to find their optimum dose and should consider whether to take a CBD isolate or a broad-spectrum CBD supplement.
Does CBD Make You Feel Drowsy?
One of the things that normal doses of CBD won’t do is sedate you. There are studies that suggest large doses can be used as a sedative, but the subjects in these studies took 5-20 times the recommended normal dose — so the results are not representative of normal use.
So, in a word, no: pure CBD does not make you feel drowsy. However, there are some CBD products that contain significant amounts of the terpene, myrcene — which does have a soporific effect — so it pays to know the exact composition of your supplement.
Paradoxically, research does suggest that a high-purity CBD product can help establish a healthy sleep pattern.
By working in concert with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate the sleep-wake cycle, or circadian rhythm, a regular dose of CBD can significantly improve alertness during the day and promote restful sleep at night if taken as part of a holistic health program.
So, if you’ve had a stressful day, CBD can help you break the pattern of stress-induced sleeplessness by allowing the mind to unwind and let go of nervousness.
It’s worth noting that this is a very different process from taking the enormous doses of CBD needed to effect real drowsiness.
Can CBD Make You Drowsy in The Daytime?
There’s no research to suggest that CBD causes sleepiness during the day, but much to support the anecdotal evidence that a regular regime of CBD can support and promote healthy sleep at night.
However, to get a good night’s sleep we recommend getting into the habit of taking CBD in the evening and at a set time. This will help establish a healthy sleep pattern and give the best possible effect from your CBD sleep supplement.
How Does CBD Help You Sleep Better?
There are two schools of thought as to how CBD promotes better sleep. The first suggests that CBD alleviates tension, which can cause sleepless nights. The second posits that it’s the direct interaction of CBD with the ECS that helps establish better sleep.
We all know what it’s like when we can’t get to sleep. The mind races and dwells on all the things that worry us; and the more we think about them, the worse the problem becomes.
CBD helps break the pattern. It does this by supporting the ECS in its role of regulating appetite, sleep and wakefulness, mood, and by promoting homeostasis.
When we take a quality supplement, such as NextEvos’s Sleep Support CBD Complex, the pure CBD it contains helps improve the brain’s ability to cope with stress, meaning a calm, composed mind and an improved ability to get a good night’s rest.
Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Disruption to the circadian rhythm occurs when our internal clock is out of synch with our surroundings; for example, when we travel to a different time zone or work at night.
Luckily, there’s excellent evidence to suggest that CBD can help improve the quality and quantity of our sleep by ensuring we pass through all the stages of healthy sleep, including REM sleep.
The Best Way to Use CBD as a Sleep Aid
How much CBD to take to assist good sleep differs from person to person, but a good yardstick is to start with a daily dose of 10-25mg and gradually increase it until the desired effect is achieved.
As to the question of when to take your dose, one study that showed a significant improvement in sleep quality among its test group found that the CBD dose was best taken after the evening meal.
As ever, it pays to take a CBD supplement that offers good bioavailability. Therefore we recommend taking a water-soluble CBD emulsion, such as NextEvo’s Water Soluble Capsules Extra Strength or one of NextEvo’s potent powder formulations.
The Side Effects of CBD
CBD is safe and generally free from side effects for most people, even when taken at prolonged high daily doses of up to 1,500mg. However, some people can experience side effects if they take a large dose of CBD oil. These can include:
- Mouth dryness
- Dizziness
- Changes in appetite
- Loose stools
What Are Some Other Things You Can Do To Improve Sleep?
Get Natural Light and Avoid Blue Light Before Bed
- One of the best ways to regulate our circadian rhythm is to get out of the house within two hours of waking up in the morning. This puts us in synch with our environment and sets us up for a good night’s sleep in the evening.
- Try to avoid artificial light before going to bed, especially the blue light emitted by smartphones and laptops. Blue light is especially good at suppressing melatonin production.
- A smart way to boost melatonin is to dim the lights and put on blue-light-blocking glasses an hour and a half before going to bed.
Avoid Caffeine and Stimulants
It sounds obvious but try to avoid stimulating your system before you turn in for the night. Caffeine, strenuous exercise, heavy meals, alcohol, and even chocolate can all ruin your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.
Optimize Your Room For Sleep
Set your bedroom up with good quality sleep in mind. Make sure the room is completely dark, as quiet as possible, and at the right temperature (aim for around 18-19 °C). Earplugs, blackout curtains or a face mask, and good ventilation can all help.